Welcome to Medpark Family Practice
Our team of doctors offer a comprehensive service for any age group, managing a wide range of conditions from preventive medicine as well as acute and chronic conditions. In particular our doctors have an interest in ADHD, HIV, Obstetrics and Sports Medicine.

More than 20 years ago a few doctors in town decided to get together and start a practice that was patient-centred. The idea of a “group-practice” was quite new and the first of its kind in Polokwane (known as Pietersburg at that time). The idea was to cater to patient-needs by providing an all year round service with longer hours

Today, “group-practices” are very common with several even in Polokwane. Things have also changed at Medpark. Medicine have changed, people have come and gone, but our commitment to patient-centred service has not changed.
Our Services
General Checkups
Children's Health
Developmental Milestones, Illnesses, ADHD, etc
Women's Health
Family planning, Pregnancy, etc
Chronic illnesses
High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, HIV, etc
Minor surgical procedures
Moles, Warts, Ingrown toenails, etc
Screening for cancer and other serious illnesses
Full time Nursing Sister
We have a full time Nursing Sister, who can assist (amongst other things) in:
- Wound care
- Checking of bloodpressure, sugar, cholesterol
- Pap-smears
- Family Planning
Specialized Fields
Some of our doctors have completed further studies in the following fields
- Dr Erasmus : Sports Medicine
- Dr Stopforth : Obstetrics and Gynaecology
- Dr Vermeulen : Attention Deficit Disorder and Hyperactivity
- Dr von Ludwig : HIV/TB
For your convenience we also have a well-stocked pharmacy on site. We also provide medical examinations for insurance purposes as well as renewal of aviation licences (please contact us with regards to these).
Our Doctors

Dr Annchen Gerritsen
Dr Gerritsen has completed her undergraduate studies at Wits University and has a Diploma in Aesthetic Medicine.

Dr Mark Melville
Dr Melville completed his medical studies at the University of the Witwatersrand. He also has a postgraduate diploma in Anaesthetics from UNISA. He has been working at Medpark since 2000.

Dr Pieter Vermeulen
Attention Deficit Disorder and Hyperactivity

Dr Veronica Stopforth
Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Dr Stopforth completed her medical studies at the University of the Free State. She also has a postgraduate diploma in Obstetrics from Stellenbosch University. She has been working at Medpark since 2001.

Dr Wikus Erasmus
Sports Medicine
Dr Erasmus completed his medical studies at the University of Pretoria. He also has a postgraduate diploma in Sports Medicine. He has been at the practice since 2005.

Dr Wilhelm von Ludwig
Dr von Ludwig completed his medical studies at the University of Stellenbosch. He is currently busy with his postgraduate diploma in HIV and TB. He has been at Medpark since 2010.
Contact Us
Contact Details
015 297 2180
015 297 3947
24a Jorissen street, Polokwane
Private Bag X9474, Polokwane, 0700
Operating hours
Monday – Saturday:
Sunday / Public Holidays:
09h30 – 19h00
Please Note: An after-hours fee might be charged for all emergency/unbooked patients as well as any patients seen at the following times:
Monday – Friday: 17h00 – 19h00
Saturday: 13h00 – 19h00
Sundays / Public Holidays: ?